Plastic surgeryBreast Implants

in a nutshell...

Who is a candidate for this surgery?

Only board certified plastic surgeons are qualified to determine if someone is a suitable candidate for breast augmentation.

Gummy Bear vs. Silicone Breast Implants

Within the silicone implant category, women have the option of choosing “gummy bear” silicone implants or traditional highly cohesive silicone gel implants. Both types of implants have their advantages. Most women in Tijuana tend to prefer the traditional highly cohesive silicone gel implants to the gummy bear implants.


Doctor examining breast


Gummy bear breast implants have a stable shape, which means that, just like a gummy bear, if they are cut in half, they will keep their shape. Gummy bear implants can be round or teardrop shaped. They are usually firmer and harder than traditional silicone implants.


Highly cohesive gel silicone implants also maintain their shape if cut in half, however, they are softer and feel more pliable than gummy bear implants. Women with traditional silicone implants report that they feel like a soft, natural breast at a higher rate than women with gummy bear implants

Breast implant incision approaches.

Periareolar Breast Augmentation Incisions

The perioareolar breast augmentation technique involves an incision made around the areola, which is the patch of skin around the nipple. Through this incision, a plastic surgeon can place either a silicone or saline breast implant.

Transaxillary Breast Augmentation Incisions

The transaxillary breast augmentation technique uses a hidden incision to place breast implants. This procedure involves an incision made in the armpit. Through this armpit incision, surgeons can insert a breast implant, maneuver it into position, and fill the implant once it is in place.


The inframammary approach

This incision is easily concealed by the overlying breast and is rarely visible during normal activities. The inframammary approach allows for the precise creation of the implant pocket and the cleanest entry for the implant. It is associated with the lowest incidence of capsular contracture and the lowest incidence of sensory changes of the nipple-areola complex.

The silicone implants in woman hand.

Plastic surgeryBreast Lift

in a nutshell...

Better known as a breast lift, mastopexy is a surgical procedure to lift and reshape sagging breasts and is performed when the patient does not want to increase the size of her breasts. However, there are times when breast implants are also placed at the time of the lift if the patient wishes to increase her size as well.


The breast lift can be performed as an outpatient procedure under general anesthesia. A custom procedure to lift and firm your breasts will be designed depending on the laxity of your skin. the volume of breast tissue and the desired result. All breast lifts require external incisions, which are minimized as much as possible.

But our breast augmentation patients find the improvement in breast shape well worth it.

Before your procedure, your surgeon will probably ask you to stop taking certain medications. These include drugs like aspirin that thin the blood. If you smoke, you will need to quit smoking about four weeks before your procedure. Smoking can interfere with your body’s ability to heal after surgery. It can cause serious wound healing problems, such as loss of skin from the nipple or breast.

In general, surgery involves these steps:
The surgeon will mark you in the standing position to determine the new elevated position of the nipple on your breast.
You will receive medicine called anesthesia to relax you and relieve pain. You will be asleep during the surgery. This is called general anesthesia.
The surgeon will make an incision (cut) around the areola. The cut will usually extend across the front of your breast, from the bottom of the areola to the crease. It can also extend along the sides of the areola.
The surgeon will lift and reshape your breasts. The surgeon will then move your areolas into the correct position on the new breast shape and may also reduce their size.
The surgeon will remove any excess skin to give your breasts a firmer appearance.
Finally, the surgeon will close the incisions with stitches, sutures, skin adhesives, or surgical tape.
Surgeons generally try to place incisions in parts of the breast where they will be least visible.
You may decide to have breast implants at the same time as a breast lift. An implant can increase the size or fullness of your breasts. For safety reasons, some surgeons will not perform both procedures at the same time. If this is the case, you will first undergo the lift, followed by the augmentation weeks or months later.
This “staging” is to prevent any loss or necrosis of the nipple.

Recovery Your breasts may be swollen and sore for a few weeks after your surgery. Your doctor will give you medication to relieve the pain. You can also hold ice to your breasts to relieve swelling and soreness.

You will need to wear a surgical bra or a non-wire bra for two to three weeks after your surgery. You’ll also need to sleep on your back propped up by pillows to keep your chest raised.

The soreness, bruising, and swelling should go away after a few weeks. Your breasts may take between 2 and 12 months to reach their final shape.

Avoid heavy lifting and strenuous exercise for two to four weeks after your surgery.

Plastic surgeryBreast reduction

in a nutshell...

Breast reduction is a procedure to reduce and change the shape of the breasts. It is performed on patients who feel that the natural size of their breasts is too large and want to give their body a more discreet and aesthetic appearance.
Patients who undergo breast reduction often refer to the relief of discomfort caused by the excessive weight of large breasts. Breast reduction generally eliminates symptoms and improves the size and shape of the breasts. The reduction makes the size of the breasts more proportional to the shape of the body and therefore makes wearing clothes better and easier.

partial view of plastic surgeon in latex gloves and patient in breast bandage isolated on grey

Am I a good candidate for breast surgery?

You are a candidate for breast reduction if you have one or more of the following conditions:

  • Breasts that are too large in proportion to your body shape.
  • Sagging or heavy breasts, with areolas and nipples that point downward. One breast larger than the other.
  • Back, neck or shoulder pain caused by overweight breasts.
  • Irritation of the skin under the breast.
  • Sinking skin marks on your shoulders made by bra straps.
  • Limited fiscal activities due to breast size and weight.
  • Dissatisfaction with the size of your breasts.

What breast reduction involves

Breast reduction surgery is carried out under general anaesthetic. This means you’ll be asleep during the operation

Generally, the operation involves:

Moving your nipple to its new position – usually while it’s still attached to the blood supply

Removing excess fat, glandular tissue and skin from your breasts reshaping the remaining breast tissue.



It can take 2 to 6 weeks to fully recover from breast reduction surgery.

You may need to take 2 to 3 weeks off work, and need help with housework, childcare and shopping.

You should not drive until it’s no longer painful to wear a seatbelt. This may be several weeks.

Avoid stretching, strenuous exercise and heavy lifting for up to 6 weeks after the operation.

Some surgeons suggest wearing a sports bra 24 hours a day for up to 3 months after breast surgery.Check with your surgeon.

The length of time you need to keep the dressings on depends on how quickly your wounds heal. Stitches will need to be removed after a week or 2, unless they’re dissolvable.

Plastic surgeryLipectomy | Tummy TuckTummy Tuck

in a nutshell...

An abdominoplasty or tummy tuck procedure can be performed on its own or with other desired cosmetic surgery procedures such as: liposuction, breast lift and breast augmentation.

A tummy tuck procedure can be very helpful in seeing the full results of dramatic weight loss. This is because excess skin and fat are removed during the procedure. Older adult patients whose skin is beginning to succumb to the stretching effect of gravity can also enjoy excellent results with a tummy tuck There are different toes of abdominoolastv procedures that can be performed depending on what one’s cosmetic goals are.

These include:

  • Full (circular) abdominoplasty
  • Partial (extended) Abdominoplasty
  • Mini Tummy Tuck or mini TT
Doctor marking woman body before plastic surgery.

Who is the typical candidate for a tummy tuck?
The best candidate for a tummy tuck procedure is someone who is in good health and has no major surgical procedures scheduled. For best results, women planning to become pregnant again should postpone abdominoplasty.

Also, the best candidates:
Have completed your weight loss goals (a tummy tuck is not a substitute for maintaining a healthy diet and exercise regimen).
You have loose skin or problematic fat deposits that have remained resistant to the slimming potential of a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Do not smoke or be willing to quit for a period of time before, during and after the procedure (heavy smoking can interfere with the body’s ability to heal itself).
You may take time off work (ideally 5-7 days) to allow your body to fully heal.
Avoid the need to take medications that can thin your blood, reduce the ability to clot, or help control an autoimmune-type disorder.

Have skin that can tolerate incisions well (ie, skin that does not produce keloid scars or pigmentation changes after surgery).

They are willing to follow post-recovery recovery instructions precisely (this will provide the best results from the procedure).Or just someone who wants to be ready to wear a new swimsuit for the upcoming summer season… If you meet each of the criteria outlined here, you are probably a very good candidate for a tummy tuck procedure.

Plastic surgeryLiposuction 360 BBL

in a nutshell...

Lipo 360, also known as “circumferential liposuction,” is a procedure that encompasses liposuction of the abdomen, flanks, and back. The procedure is performed “360 degrees” around a specific part of the body.

Those who have excess fat deposits in these areas may benefit from this procedure. Lipo 360 Tijuana works with the natural contours of women to enhance their figure and bring out the best in the female physique. Think about the contours of your entire body rather than one specific area in particular. Patients who notice sagging or loose skin in addition to patches of fat may require an additional procedure, such as a tummy tuck.

Who is the typical candidate for 360 Liposuction?

The typical candidate for 360 degree liposuction should have mostly realistic expectations about the outcome and results of this procedure and also meet some candidacy criteria.

  • Medium to moderate weight –
  • Healthy skin with good elasticity –
  • Good overall health –
  • Fat deposits that do not respond to diet and exercise. –
  • Understanding of what lipo 360 Miami involves
  • Realistic expectations

Patients with poor quality skin may not be candidates for this procedure, as they may develop skin irregularities. Age should not be an issue in determining candidacy for lipo 360 tijuana. However, it is common for older patients to have less skin elasticity, so they may not get the same benefits from 360 degree lipo as patients at a younger age

The Benefits of 360° Liposuction

Some of the most common benefits of 360° liposuction include:

Fat removal that can improve the patient’s overall health and quality of life. Some medical conditions may benefit from 360° lipo, such as lipomas and lipodystrophy syndrome.

Increased patient satisfaction – According to research from MedPage Today, “Four out of five patients who underwent liposuction for body sculpting reported being satisfied with the procedure, and 86% said they would recommend the procedure to others, according to the results of a patient satisfaction survey.”

Targets stubborn areas of fat. While lipo 360 removes fat cells from the body, patients are encouraged to lead a healthy lifestyle so the results last longer.


Helps diminish the appearance of cellulite: Cellulite occurs on the surface of the skin. Therefore, 360° liposuction will not cure this condition. However, it can reduce cellulite in some patients to some extent.

There are techniques used during Tijuana 360° Lipo to minimize the appearance of cellulite. In other words, it may look better than before, but it cannot be treated.

Natural Buttock Augmentation with Fat Transfer to the Buttocks

Using liposuction, the Brazilian butt lift technique removes fat from unwanted areas, such as the abdomen, waist, back or thighs, and transplants the fat to the buttock area. The unique advantage of this technique is that it slims down an area of excess fat and injects fat right into the area you want, the buttock.

Many women choose to remove fat from the abdomen and waist area, resulting in an attractive, natural profile with curves in all the right places. Men can also transplant fat from the abdomen or handle area, or anywhere else there are pockets of fat.

Image of a beautiful woman posing in lingerie on a red colored background

Plastic surgeryBrachioplasty | Arm Lift

in a nutshell...

Flabby and loose arms are often mentioned as “batwings” this is often a standard problem many encounter. This problem can affect any range, gender and somatotype. Factors which will contribute to flabby and loose arms include, genetics, aging and weight loss.

Did vou recognize that by the time you switch 30, muscle mass can begin to decrease by 5%? Patients who have experienced massive weight loss, as seen with gastric bypass, are particularly susceptible to experiencing flabby skin.

An arm lift, or brachioplasty, may be a surgery that reshapes and improves the looks of the upper arm, which is usually required after massive weight loss. a discount in “bat-wings” or sagging of the arm skin also as tightening and smoothing of the supportive tissue within the upper arm region are often achieved.

Both women and men can struggle with these aspects, that even with proper diet and regular exercise, it’s going to be impossible to enhance. during this case, a brachioplasty are going to be necessary to revive youthful, trim arms.

Ideal Candidate for an Arm Lift

  • Has hanging, loose, lax and excess skin along the upper arm
  • Has achieved an ideal and stable weight and is not significantly overweight
  • Has no medical conditions that will hinder surgical healing
  • Is a non-smoker
  • Has positive outlook and realistic goals for what can be achieved Is in overall good health


Recovery after an Arm Lift

The recovery from a brachioplasty will take from one to 2 weeks. Patients generally feel tolerably to return to figure in seven to 14 days, sometimes sooner. At this point, light activities are often resumed, although work and vigorous exercise should be postponed for 3 to four weeks.

Bruising and swelling are common along the upper arm during the initial brachioplasty healing period. To avoid unwanted swelling or fluid accumulation, we recommend a compression garment be worn for 2 to four weeks. In some cases, drain tubes can also be necessary. Mild to moderate discomfort isn’t uncommon, so your surgeon will prescribe pain medications for a cushty healing period.

Plastic surgeryCruroplasty | Thigh Lift

in a nutshell...

Cruroplasty or thigh lift is typically requested by those patients who have had a big loss of weight, the surplus skin and fat on the inner thighs makes them old and/or uncomfortable.

Cruroplasty refers to contour surgery that aims to realize firmer and smoother thighs after removing excess skin. Most patients who undergo this intervention do so during a complementary manner after a weight reduction treatment. it’s also very helpful in cases of functional problems, since sometimes an more than skin during this area can produce friction, irritation and discomfort during the course of the day.

You may be a thigh lift candidate if you’re healthy and emotionally stable but feel physically and psychologically uncomfortable thanks to excess, saggy skin and fat on your thighs. Unfortunately, exercise and diet can do little to assist improve the look of your thighs, because the excess skin are often removed only surgically.

This procedure is performed at our on-site, outpatient facility, with local anaesthesia and IV sedation; performed by a licensed anesthesiologist, the procedure is completed by making variable size incisions within the area of the thighs and removing excess fat and tissue. Trying to contour the thighs to make a more toned and tight appearance. For patients who are looking to eliminate flabby, sagging skin on the thighs, a thigh lift is a superb cosmetic surgery option.

Following thigh lift, the patient are going to be given a compression garment to assist tighten the skin and stop swelling. Some bruising, swelling and soreness within the treatment area are to be expected, but pain are often managed with medications. additionally, we’ll provide the patient with detailed postoperative instructions to make sure a smooth healing process, including the way to change dressings and when it’s acceptable to resume showering. Any pain resulting from the surgery should begin to subside after a couple of days, but the swelling may take as long as three to 5 weeks to resolve.

Closeup Of Lady Posing Isolated Over Blue Studio Background

Plastic surgerygluteal implants

in a nutshell...

Buttock augmentation by buttock augmentation is suitable for patients who do not qualify for fat grafting buttock augmentation. Buttock implants allow for a more reproducible augmentation rather than fat graft augmentation which can sometimes lead to a less unpredictable result.

Specially shaped implants designed for the buttocks are surgically placed over the muscle

What types of implants are available?
There are a wide variety of butt implants available, and it is important to consult with your surgeon and discuss your options to ensure you choose the best butt implants for your situation and requirements.

Butt implants have come a long way in recent years, and surgeons now use implants that are custom-made for the buttock area rather than other parts of the body. Butt implants are generally used to enlarge and enhance the buttock area, although in some cases they can be used to balance an asymmetrical aesthetic or to reconstruct the entire buttock area.

Buttock Implant Recovery
Because buttock implants cause your body tissue to stretch, they are often painful to recover from, especially if the implant is placed under the muscle. The initial 48-hour period after surgery is usually the most painful, but the pain should lessen with each day of recovery time and the medications prescribed by your surgeon will help with this. After waking up from the procedure, you will probably feel sore, stiff and tired. It is very important that you take all of the medications prescribed by your doctor and complete full courses of these. You will likely be given both antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications to help with your recovery and prevent infection. Although you will probably experience a considerable amount of pain after this surgery, people who opt for buttock implants are generally very satisfied with the results of this procedure.

Plastic surgeryVaginal Rejuvenation

in a nutshell...

Actually, many patients are also interested in rejuvenation of genital sagging problems (vulva and vagina) that we see in the rest of the body can also be seen in those special areas in patients who have had childbirth. In the vulva-vagina can have a more vouthful tone with modern laser method applied to surgerv to remove excess tissue, it is verv common to be seen in maiora and minora labium.

The muscles leading to the vagina may also join in the midline to close the excess opening. It is very common to also see other structures droopina (bladder or cervix).

Best candidates for a labiaplasty

If you present asymmetries or simply want to improve the shape or size, the labiaplasty operation is indicated for you. Practically all of our patients are very satisfied with this surgery.

There are factors that affect the performance of this surgery: discomfort when doing sports, discomfort when wearing certain clothes, some insecurity when facing a sexual relationship, and even hygiene problems.

What is the goal of labiaplasty?
The objective of a labiaplasty is usually both aesthetic and to improve the health of our patients. In many cases the treatment of this alteration is not only visual but also functional.

A female intimate surgery or labiaplasty, performed by a good plastic surgeon, contributes to improving a woman’s hygiene, self-esteem, social life and personal relationships.

Recovery time one week. The muscles that give tone to the vaginal conduct may also bind in the midline to close the excessive opening.

It is very common to also observe other structures to fall out (bladder or cervix).

cropped view of tanned slim girl in bikini posing with white veil, isolated on blue

Our mission has been to be a group in constant improvement, mainly in our services, offering reliable, up-to-date and patient-centered medical care. For this reason, we continuously train our staff to offer quality care.


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