Involve making changes to your digestive system to help you lose weight. Bariatric surgery is done when diet and exercise haven’t worked or when you have serious health problems because of your weight.
Plastic surgeryCirugia Facial
Facial plastic surgery is a multidisciplinary specialty largely driven by otolaryngology but includes oral maxillary surgery, dermatology, ophthalmology, and plastic surgery.
Plastic surgeryCirugía Corporal
Is done to change your appearance. For some, it may mean redesigning the body’s contour and shape, smoothing wrinkles, or eliminating balding areas.
Non-InvasiveNon-Surgical Procedures
Procedures that don’t require your plastic surgeon to make an incision or to remove tissue are non-invasive cosmetic treatments. These non-invasive procedures provide the refreshing and rejuvenating results you want without using a scalpel.